Monday, July 18, 2016

Obligatory 'Release the Kraken' reference

Though yesterday afternoon was spent leveling and figuring out how to multiclass in Pathfinder, I managed to make some decent progress throughout the day in Final Fantasy. Overall it was a good day four. Now that I have an airship at my disposal, I made some really good story progress, and its starting to look like I'll be finished with it by the end of this week. I'm going to skip the bonus dungeons, but I may go back to them if there is time. Right now though, I'm focused on getting through as many as possible. I'll be pleased if I can start on Final Fantasy II a few days from now.

Not Pictured: cool sparkles.
Yesterday's session began with a quick run through the Citadel of Trials to retrieve a rat tail for the king of the dragons, Bahamut. He gave us some tasty class change goodness, and I immediately spent all my money on new spells in Gaia. As you can see, I managed to get a lovely low quality picture of the part just after the part I was trying to take a picture of. You know the one, where Bahamut is sitting there with outstretched wings amidst  the purple sparkles of dragon magic and the four heroes are standing there in their new outfits after being granted new titles? Yeah. I kind of failed to get that. So you get this much less impressive photo instead.

 As I said, once I got the class upgrade, I went shopping. Then it was time to knock out Marilith in Mt Gulg. For as well equipped as I was, it was pretty easy when I wasn't directionally challenged. I took down the boss in four rounds, and restored the Fire Crystal. Then I made my way out of the volcano, and began the search for the items I'd need to launch my assault on the sunken shrine.

I made a special visit to a caravan to spend 40,000 of my hard earned gil on a bottled fairy so I could let her out in Gaia where she'd reward me with some Oxyale which somehow lets one breathe underwater. Then I went to Onrac, made a special trip up to the waterfall to get a cube from a robot, and then took a barrel down to the bottom of the ocean. Cozy.

l33t Paint skillz
It didn't take as long as I'd expected to clear out the shrine, and I made sure to grab the Rosetta stone while I was at it. Before I knew it, I'd already reached the water crystal. The boss protecting it was an easy kill, because I'm significantly over-leveled at this point.

Feast your eyes on this stupid image I made in MS Paint to mark the occasion of the cleansing of the water crystal. Fabulous, no?

Kraken did not do me a concern, and Mr Neeson is very disappoint.

... I'm so sorry, the voices made me do it.

After that pushover, I went back to Melmond with the Rosetta Stone. I really wish it was possible to learn a long dead language in the span of a few seconds. It was essentially "Tada! Now you know Lufenian!" How cool would it be to suddenly learn another language like that?

Next it was on to Lufenia to get the chime so I could enter the Mirage tower and teleport to the Flying Fortress. Upon reaching the Fortress, I had to call it quits for the day.

Hastily snapped photo. Shinies and more shinies!


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