Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 7 - Something something airships

It's been a week, and I'm still enjoying myself. I'm on the second game of the twelve main numbered games I want to complete in the next 93 days so I feel pretty good about that. Granted, that was a short game with just over 18 hours on the play clock. I'm certain it will take me longer than that to finish up FFII, but still, I have about 13 weeks to get through 10 more games after this one. My biggest enemy will be my tendency to dawdle with side quests and minigames. It hasn't been much of an issue yet, but I'm pretty sure it will be soon.

Now where was I? Oh right, I was having Rey, Finn, and Poe kick their own butts to increase their stats. After a while, I was satisfied that my party wouldn't immediately be mauled by monsters, so I decided to advance the plot. It was off to Paloom to catch a ship to Poft. I visited the pub there and had my first contact with series staple, Cid.

I'm-a need about tree fiddy.
I had no money, so I still had to walk to Salamand, but the random encounters were good for my wallet. I earned enough on the way to buy some copper equipment there before heading off to the mines at Semitt Falls to rescue the miners that Josef said were imprisoned there. When I found them, I ran into Paul again, the self proclaimed greatest thief in the world, and he led everyone, including Josef's daughter to safety. I saved them by... opening an unlocked door. Cool.

With all of the prisoners on their way to safety, I went on through the dungeon to kill the boss and grab the Mithril. It was a decently challenging boss fight but a straightforward one. Dude hits really hard. Good thing I boosted my HP earlier.

Back to Salamand, and a quick chat with Josef. I didn't actually have all that much time to play last night, so this is as far as I got. Tonight will likely offer little play time too, so expect a short update tomorrow morning as well.

Current Save: 
I love Minwu's Moonlight Knight cosplay... ;)

Allow me to close today's update with a brief reminder that I'm participating in #100DaysofGaming for Extra Life. For 6 years now, I've participated in this charity gaming community to raise money for my local Children's Miracle Network Hospital. If you're enjoying this blog, please consider supporting my personal efforts HERE. If you want to do more, you can join the movement at

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