Friday, August 19, 2016

Progress in the midst of setbacks (FFIII, Day 35)

Allow me to start with a disclaimer: With everything going on, I'm afraid this post suffers from a lack of actual game photos, so I've made substitutions where applicable.

True Story.
I've made a little progress, but far less than I would have liked. Most of my regularly scheduled play time yesterday was sacrificed to the gods of bureaucracy while I spoke to my auto insurance company. I was driving home from work yesterday and got hit by a pickup truck. My poor car, that I've had for less than a year, will be admitted to the repair shop for a few days (hopefully not more than that) and I'll be picking up my rental at the same time. The good news is that I'm fine other than some anger based emotional trauma and that delightfully painful muscle tension that comes from being stressed out. So yes, I'm intact, and still playing games regardless of how frustrated at the current situation I may be. I'm going to try to keep a positive outlook about everything and remember that things are just things, and I'm lucky I wasn't hurt. :)
Enough of my rant about the (Ugh) "REAL WORLD" let's head back to the land of... did they even name the world in Final Fantasy 3? Hold on while I go look this up. *Shuffles away into the internets.*

Nope. No name. Back we go to "Nameless Final Fantasy World", then.

Disclaimer: Gameplay images are simulated.
As promised, I was able to finish the Sunken Cave and I left there with a tidy pile of shiny new loot that I basically stole from a quartet of monsters hiding in treasure chests.

I believe I also neglected to mention that before going down there, I paid a visit to Doga's Village - which is essentially a Mall for Magic where you can buy almost any spell in the game. This is another location you can only reach by using the Nautilus's submarine mode. There is a short underwater passage that lets you pop up in the lake nearby.

Accurate Portrayal
Now, unfortunately I didn't have much money when I visited, so I'll have to make another trip there soon. Especially considering the fact that I earned quite a bit in the Sunken Cave. Once I'm done with my current dungeon, I think I'll try to remember to pay another visit.

My next destination was the Catacombs of Saronia, located beneath the city. It seems like this might also be an optional dungeon, but then again, any chance to earn some XP seems to be a good bet in this game. Currently, I've reached a secret room with 8 treasure chests, four of which are Phoenix Downs, and the rest are Elixirs. A nice payday, but I do have to fight monsters that are guarding each chest. No big deal, because I can defeat them in one round, and they each drop a nice pile of XP and a fat stack of Gil.

As of this writing, I have two more chests to open, and then I apparently get to go into the next room to fight Odin. My reward for this will be a summon, according to the walkthrough, and while I've not been particularly invested in using a summoner, the battle alone should be worth it for the Experience boost and money earned.

Tune in next time for something a little more substantial.

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