Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The Glowing (FFIII, Day 26)

Progress feels good. With some minimal grinding, I made it through the sealed cave. Halfway through, the princess, who happens to be named Sara (that's familiar) decided to join us so she could personally be the one to banish the guy responsible for the kingdom's ghostly woes. Say it with me this time: It's never that easy.

The Djinn had apparently been drinking the Kool-Aid of darkness (Is that anything like Ecto-Cooler? *Shrug*) and that made him too powerful. At least it was easily rectified with an old fashioned beat down. I'll be honest that the battle wasn't going great until I remembered that I'd picked up an Antarctic Wind.

With all but one of my party members down, using item to evoke blizzard was the best choice I could have made. It instantly deprived him of 450 HP (he only has 600), so the battle was immediately over. As I've mentioned before, I'm not one to use items willy-nilly, so it was a big step for me to use the only one of something I had in favor of truncating the battle. After defeating the Djinn, Princess Sara used the Mythril Ring to finish him off. Immediately my party went semi-transparent, and phased out of existence only to reappear before the crystal. That thing basically left the princess to find her own way out. Rude. 

Come get some of the glowing
The crystal gave a monologue about how we were the chosen ones and that the four warriors of the light need to save the world, defeat the darkness, etc... Same story different day. Moving on. It was about that time that everything got glowy. There was seriously a 60 second cut scene of a spinning glowing crystal. 
It was absurdly shiny

Once the crystal was finished with it's little dance, I was informed in a slightly different way that my party members were the chosen ones. Exposition Fairy is working overtime. Then, out of nowhere, a Moogle decided to appear and give me some career advice.

Thanks for the offer, but I have a stable income and a 401k
With my newfound job freedom, I switched everyone around to my liking and bought them new equipment. My current job setup is as follows: Ektorp Sofa is a Warrior, Hemnes Bookcase is a Black Mage, Po'Ang Chair is a White Mage, and Lack Sidetable is a Red Mage.

I was rather upset at this point when I realized that due to the rude teleporting crystal, the airship was now on the other side of a lake. I sullenly continued my given quest and made my way back to the castle where princess Sara purified the mythril ring she'd used on the Djinn and got everyone back to normal. His majesty was pleased, and shortly thereafter we ended up with a foldable canoe. That's convenient. Suffice to say I went right back for my airship.

We then made a quick visit back to Kazus and Po'Ang's dad Takka dragged her home despite her protests. Then we went to talk to Cid who was pleased at the whole situation and decided we'd get more use out of his airship than he would. We could keep it if we just dropped him off in Canaan. Proving once again that Cid usually equals free airship. Nice. Only trouble is that there's a giant boulder blocking the way back to Canaan. Heaven forbid the airship just fly over it. Apparently it's too tall for that.. Wow, that's a big rock. In his infinite wisdom, Cid goes to see Takka and request a mythril battering ram for the airship. Spoiler warning, it ends poorly.

So we get the thing fitted, and climb aboard to discover Po'Ang has run away from home again, and will be joining us after all. Then we hit the rock at ramming speed. It must have worked, because the rock was gone. Unfortunately, so was the airship. Poor airship.

It was a relatively uneventful and short walk to Canaan and there we heard rumors of a gnome village and a dragon mountain. Got to get in on that dragon slaying action, am I right? Before we left town though, I retrieved an elixir from a chest that was 'hidden' on an island in the middle of the river. Mrs. Cid was sick, and we fixed her right up. In return, Cid showed us the secret entrance to his airship hangar and I helped myself to heaps of loot.

The dragon mountain is full of death. Or more accurately, a good place to get stoned, and not the fun kind of stoned. The kind where you turn to stone and die. I decided it was time for a break. You can read how that goes tomorrow.

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