Thursday, August 25, 2016

Getting Classy (FFIII, Day 42)

Yesterday, I started looking up some tips for getting through these last few dungeons. On a whim, I decided to read through a list of job descriptions to see what I was missing out on. For those of you that already know what's coming here, you can stop sighing and/or shouting at your computer screen. I can't hear you and frankly it's weird of you to talk to your computer without some sort of voice activation software. Which when I think about it, many of you may have at this point as such technology becomes ubiquitous. So... I mean...  you can yell at Siri if you want to I guess.

Back to the topic at hand. I've been using the wrong classes. As in, I now know that Devout is White Mage 2.0, Magus is a much better Black Mage, and a Black Belt is even punchier than a Monk. I already picked up on the reasonable progression for Ektorp, who has levels in Knight and Batman, but I didn't catch on for the rest. Don't worry, I rectified this error in judgment before I set off to grab the goodies in Eureka, the forbidden land that apparently exists in a pocket dimension.

I enjoyed the music in Eureka. It reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean. Suitably epic for a so-called forbidden land. Now that I had my character classes properly upgraded, I made my way through the small dungeon. I had a pretty easy time of it too. For each legendary weapon, there was a Mini Boss that was the spirit of that weapon, so I had to defeat them to prove myself worthy. Piece of cake - especially considering that the game fully heals you every time you defeat one of them. It was a rinse and repeat sort of situation with each enemy. As you can see, Po'Ang was very bored with the whole situation.
Bored apathy is just what one would expect from a cat, so...
Items all acquired, I got to the end of the dungeon and paid a visit to the vendors there. Among other things, I left with a tidy pile of level 8 spells for Po'Ang and Hemnes. Nice. I finished up by making a quick run back through the labyrinth to have a rest on the airship.

Tonight or tomorrow, I think I may actually finish this. You know what that means... NAME POLL TIME! Click HERE to go to the poll and choose the next ridiculous category for my FFIV characters' names.

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