Well this little project has unfortunately fizzled out with nary a whimper. I know some of you were looking forward to the exciting conclusion, but you can consider this blog on hiatus until further notice. With the marathon getting closer, I've simply bit off more than I can chew. I hope to some day bring this blog back as something more, but for now I can say it's been fun. Honestly, I think there's some sort of curse preventing me from ever finishing Final Fantasy IV.
Thanks so much for following along, and I hope that if I can ever phoenix down this project, you'll join me again. There is still time to donate to Extra Life, so if you've enjoyed this while it lasted, drop a few dollars for some sick and injured kids in need. www.extra-life.org/participant/katemorosky
Thanks again!

Final Fantasy IV looms in the distance, mockingly. Rising from the ashes, I step forward and crack my knuckles. It's time for #100daysofgaming for Extra Life, 2017! Cue the battle theme. To learn more about how I put my passion for gaming to work for sick and injured kids, you can visit my Extra Life fundraising page. Click the Fundraising Page link below or copy and paste the following URL into your browser: www.extra-life.org/participant/katemorosky
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Friday, September 16, 2016
Long Silence
Sorry for the long silence everyone. Depression is a heck of a thing, and when its bad, it makes me less inclined to interact with the world. Which is unfortunate, because one of the best things I've found to counteract the worst of it is to go out and interact with the world. Thankfully I've got people who support me when the going gets rough. The good news is, the rough patch is pretty much over, and though the depressive state likes to linger, I've at least got my motivation back. This is Extra Life after all, and if anything can make me willing to pick myself back up its the desire to help the kids we serve.
So I'm back. These last few weeks have been one giant setback I've faced in my project. Though I've refrained from posting updates, I've been playing now and then. It's not nearly as much as I should have been, but a little progress has still been made. I've made it further in Final Fantasy 4 than I have before. Suffice to say, it's very unlikely that I'll get much further in the series at this point, though. I think I'll be pleased if I can make it to Final Fantasy 6 before our team's marathon on October 22.
In any case, you can expect regular recaps to resume tomorrow with a long catch-up post, but today, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the 'reason for the season' in regards to #100daysofgaming.
"Why do you Extra Life?" It's a question that gets bounced around the community quite a bit. This isn't just a question that we use to tell the community about ourselves. This question IS the community - and there's no wrong answer. Some reasons are easy: "I want to help kids." Some are hard: "I want to give back to the hospital that made sure my loved one was happy in their final days."
No matter the answer, it binds us together as what I like to call 'The nicest gaming community on the internet.' And it's been an amazing journey to watch Extra Life grow.
I first heard about it in 2010 on DiggNation. At that time, my initial motivation to participate was very different than it is today. Sure I was drawn to it because I'd spent time in a CMN hospital as a kid, and sure I wanted to support those who went through worse than I did, but when I first began, I simply set out with something to prove. I wanted to be living proof that gamers weren't useless. You might say I wanted to be the very best like no one ever was.
Ultimately, 2010 was a wash though. We thought it too late to start, and the marathon came and went and we paid it no mind. But the seed had been planted. I knew I wanted to get involved and gradually, my reasons shifted.
You see, it's hard not to get caught up in the frenzy of inspiration surrounding Extra Life. As 2011 started, I did my research. I read more and more of Extra Lifers' stories, and I got closer and closer to the true heart of it. The need to prove myself faded into the background as I schemed something grander. I wanted to unite those around me into a force for good. That was when Steel City Score Attack was born. Even the name reflects my desire at that point.
Our name had to be something that embodied Pittsburgh, because eventually I wanted to get as many Pittsburgh Extra Lifers together as possible. The name resonated. I designed a logo. We got T-Shirts. We were only five members, but we were doing something awesome. It felt great and most of us met our fundraising goals.
The next year, in 2012, we welcomed a few more members, and set our goals a little higher, and had more T-Shirts made. Again, we made an impact, and it was bigger than the year before.
Early in 2013, I received a message. The organizer of Extra Life was holding a meeting to start an Extra Life Guild in Pittsburgh. I dropped everything to go, and I'm glad I did. Meeting Doc in person was such an inspiration, and he noted my enthusiasm, or maybe it was just my team shirt. Whatever he saw in me, he chose me to be the first Pittsburgh Guild President. I was honored.
That first year of the guild program was rocky. It was a brand new program and it takes a lot of work to get something like that off the ground, and I definitely felt the stress of it all. So when a personal tragedy struck, I'm sorry to say I was defeated and left the guild. I felt terrible, but I knew it was just too much at the time. Despite that, I still made sure to keep my team going. We again exceeded our prior year's totals.
In 2014, another turning point came around. I worked hard for Extra Life that year too, and again we beat our 'high score' of funds raised. Late in the year, Extra Life announced something called Extra Life United. Something told me I had to go. That and I was still recovering from the lingering effects of the worst depressive episode in my life, so it seemed like it would be a fun trip to Orlando that might brighten my spirits. Really, I think it saved my life.
The event left me in awe. My husband and I hadn't really known what we were getting into, and for the most part, we kept to ourselves. For those of you reading that don't know, Extra Life United is a national tournament for Extra Lifers that takes place during the Children's Miracle Network Momentum Conference. What that means is Extra Life gamers came in from all over the country to compete in a gaming tournament to win even more money for their local hospital. Meanwhile, the CMN Champions (kids who survived some terrible things and came through smiling) all converge on the conference to be treated like the rock stars they are.
So on the one hand, I was knocked out of the tournament in the first round. On the other hand, I got to meet 60ish of the most amazing kids, and hear their stories. I got to meet the kids that benefit from our efforts, and I got so many hugs and cried so many tears. It was there that my path crossed with Doc's again. We had a conversation, and he inspired me to go back to the guild and try again. I can't thank him enough for helping me shake off the bad stuff in my life and fully channel my energy into such a worthwhile cause. I left Orlando a different person thanks to that. A better person.
You could say my priorities were different last year. I took up a leadership position in the guild once more, and have since poured my heart and soul into everything we do to reach out for Extra Life. Sometimes I get tired of working at conventions. Sometimes I get discouraged by people who decide they don't care. But it's those smiling faces that keep me going. At the beginning of this year, Extra Life United happened again. There was no question about it. We were going.
The 2nd ELU was even more amazing than the first. The gaming area was bigger, there were more players. And even though we were technically competing against one another, the camaraderie was incomparable. The first time, I'd been reserved, but this time I dove in. To all my fellow ELU Alumni, you're amazing and I love you!
This year, I'm reaching for the stars. I'm inspired, and I'm pushing hard. My goal is to raise $7500 by game day, to represent just 25 dollars for each of the 300 patient beds at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. I'm a third of the way there, but I still need more support. You could donate a little, or sign up for Extra life, or just share my link and signal boost me. I'll make it easy. Copy and paste this to your social media: www.extra-life.org/participant/katemorosky
As an added bonus, if I make it to my goal, I'll be holding what I call a Fear-A-Thon. Now, I hate horror games. (Heck, I'm scared of some games that aren't even technically 'scary games'. It took me months before I was brave enough to play Minecraft on anything but creative mode.) So to prove my dedication I'm going to play a marathon of just scary games in addition to our team's main marathon on October 22. Donate $25 or more and you even get to pick one of the scary video games I play.
However you choose to help me out, even by just sharing my blog or my fundraising page, you're doing something to make thousands of miracles happen each and every day. Those miracles... That's why I Extra Life.
So I'm back. These last few weeks have been one giant setback I've faced in my project. Though I've refrained from posting updates, I've been playing now and then. It's not nearly as much as I should have been, but a little progress has still been made. I've made it further in Final Fantasy 4 than I have before. Suffice to say, it's very unlikely that I'll get much further in the series at this point, though. I think I'll be pleased if I can make it to Final Fantasy 6 before our team's marathon on October 22.
In any case, you can expect regular recaps to resume tomorrow with a long catch-up post, but today, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk about the 'reason for the season' in regards to #100daysofgaming.
No matter the answer, it binds us together as what I like to call 'The nicest gaming community on the internet.' And it's been an amazing journey to watch Extra Life grow.
I first heard about it in 2010 on DiggNation. At that time, my initial motivation to participate was very different than it is today. Sure I was drawn to it because I'd spent time in a CMN hospital as a kid, and sure I wanted to support those who went through worse than I did, but when I first began, I simply set out with something to prove. I wanted to be living proof that gamers weren't useless. You might say I wanted to be the very best like no one ever was.
Ultimately, 2010 was a wash though. We thought it too late to start, and the marathon came and went and we paid it no mind. But the seed had been planted. I knew I wanted to get involved and gradually, my reasons shifted.
You see, it's hard not to get caught up in the frenzy of inspiration surrounding Extra Life. As 2011 started, I did my research. I read more and more of Extra Lifers' stories, and I got closer and closer to the true heart of it. The need to prove myself faded into the background as I schemed something grander. I wanted to unite those around me into a force for good. That was when Steel City Score Attack was born. Even the name reflects my desire at that point.
Our name had to be something that embodied Pittsburgh, because eventually I wanted to get as many Pittsburgh Extra Lifers together as possible. The name resonated. I designed a logo. We got T-Shirts. We were only five members, but we were doing something awesome. It felt great and most of us met our fundraising goals.
The next year, in 2012, we welcomed a few more members, and set our goals a little higher, and had more T-Shirts made. Again, we made an impact, and it was bigger than the year before.
Early in 2013, I received a message. The organizer of Extra Life was holding a meeting to start an Extra Life Guild in Pittsburgh. I dropped everything to go, and I'm glad I did. Meeting Doc in person was such an inspiration, and he noted my enthusiasm, or maybe it was just my team shirt. Whatever he saw in me, he chose me to be the first Pittsburgh Guild President. I was honored.
That first year of the guild program was rocky. It was a brand new program and it takes a lot of work to get something like that off the ground, and I definitely felt the stress of it all. So when a personal tragedy struck, I'm sorry to say I was defeated and left the guild. I felt terrible, but I knew it was just too much at the time. Despite that, I still made sure to keep my team going. We again exceeded our prior year's totals.
In 2014, another turning point came around. I worked hard for Extra Life that year too, and again we beat our 'high score' of funds raised. Late in the year, Extra Life announced something called Extra Life United. Something told me I had to go. That and I was still recovering from the lingering effects of the worst depressive episode in my life, so it seemed like it would be a fun trip to Orlando that might brighten my spirits. Really, I think it saved my life.
The event left me in awe. My husband and I hadn't really known what we were getting into, and for the most part, we kept to ourselves. For those of you reading that don't know, Extra Life United is a national tournament for Extra Lifers that takes place during the Children's Miracle Network Momentum Conference. What that means is Extra Life gamers came in from all over the country to compete in a gaming tournament to win even more money for their local hospital. Meanwhile, the CMN Champions (kids who survived some terrible things and came through smiling) all converge on the conference to be treated like the rock stars they are.
So on the one hand, I was knocked out of the tournament in the first round. On the other hand, I got to meet 60ish of the most amazing kids, and hear their stories. I got to meet the kids that benefit from our efforts, and I got so many hugs and cried so many tears. It was there that my path crossed with Doc's again. We had a conversation, and he inspired me to go back to the guild and try again. I can't thank him enough for helping me shake off the bad stuff in my life and fully channel my energy into such a worthwhile cause. I left Orlando a different person thanks to that. A better person.
You could say my priorities were different last year. I took up a leadership position in the guild once more, and have since poured my heart and soul into everything we do to reach out for Extra Life. Sometimes I get tired of working at conventions. Sometimes I get discouraged by people who decide they don't care. But it's those smiling faces that keep me going. At the beginning of this year, Extra Life United happened again. There was no question about it. We were going.
The 2nd ELU was even more amazing than the first. The gaming area was bigger, there were more players. And even though we were technically competing against one another, the camaraderie was incomparable. The first time, I'd been reserved, but this time I dove in. To all my fellow ELU Alumni, you're amazing and I love you!
This year, I'm reaching for the stars. I'm inspired, and I'm pushing hard. My goal is to raise $7500 by game day, to represent just 25 dollars for each of the 300 patient beds at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh. I'm a third of the way there, but I still need more support. You could donate a little, or sign up for Extra life, or just share my link and signal boost me. I'll make it easy. Copy and paste this to your social media: www.extra-life.org/participant/katemorosky
As an added bonus, if I make it to my goal, I'll be holding what I call a Fear-A-Thon. Now, I hate horror games. (Heck, I'm scared of some games that aren't even technically 'scary games'. It took me months before I was brave enough to play Minecraft on anything but creative mode.) So to prove my dedication I'm going to play a marathon of just scary games in addition to our team's main marathon on October 22. Donate $25 or more and you even get to pick one of the scary video games I play.
However you choose to help me out, even by just sharing my blog or my fundraising page, you're doing something to make thousands of miracles happen each and every day. Those miracles... That's why I Extra Life.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Double Trouble: Two More Fiends (FFIV, Days 50-53)
First off I should apologize for my lack of updates over Labor Day weekend. It's always a busy time for family stuff, much of which keeps me away from my computer. So fair warning, this is going to be a long update while I go over everything I've completed since my last post.
As you may recall, COBOL and SQL had just reunited. Following this fortuitous meeting, I obtained the Baron key which not only gave me access to the ancient tunnel beneath the castle, but also to the Weapon/Armor shop. I made use of these assets before setting off into the underground to infiltrate the castle. Upon the party's successful entry, we were joined by Baigan, the snotty advisor from the beginning of the game. Supposedly, even he was worried about the king's actions.
I say supposedly because he quickly turned on the party, transforming into a snake-armed monster. The battle was annoying, but not particularly difficult. This boss likes to use reflect, but we already know the way around that, don't we? SQL was my reflect bearer for this battle, and my three mages just bounced all their spells off of him. Boom. Done.
With the mini boss sorted and filed away in D for Dead, I took advantage of the fact that you can sleep in the bedroom in the tower for free. I knew I'd need to refresh my HP and MP before entering the throne room in Baron. Still, it was a little weird to think that a known 'enemy of the crown' was able to sleep in his old room right in the castle without anyone noticing. Of course this is less odd considering how empty it was at this point. Regardless, I cured up and prepared to enter the throne room.
It was time to confront the king, only to find that he was not the king at all. In a twist that fails to surprise, we find that the king has long been replaced by a monster himself. Not just any monster, either. The fiend of water, Cagnazzo, is my oponent. You know what that means? Bzzt! Fun with lightning.
It shouldn't really come as a shock (Pun intended) that I finished off the boss with little trouble. Just as the beatings had concluded, Cid, who I've named Java arrives on scene, apparently having escaped wherever he was imprisoned. Unfortunately he's a little too late to deliver his promised face-beatings to those responsible for his recent predicament. So he will just have to settle for joining COBOL's quest at this point.
If you're familiar with this game, you know that there is a fairly poignant part coming up. Be forewarned, the feels are reals. As we exit the throne room into the antechamber, whatever is left of the fiend of water gets all giggly. Just like his predecessor Scoobydoobymiglione, he invites the party to join him in hell. In a matter of moments the walls start to play 'trash compactor' and our heroes discover they're locked in on both sides!
Now here comes the feels train! The young twins seem to have an idea that will save COBOL and company from pancake status. Before anyone else seems to realize what their plan is, CPlus+ and CSharp have turned themselves to stone. Now normally you'd assume a couple of gold needles would fix them right up, but alas, this transformation seems a bit more permanent. I'm not afraid to admit that this scene made me tear up a bit the first time I saw it.
Golbez and Python learn of our progress, and the villain seems displeased at how strong COBOL is becoming. Python suggests using Perl as encouragement to have COBOL bring the final of the four elemental crystals of light to them. Golbez of course likes the idea and the prospect of getting to kill COBOL at the time of the exchange. Python shrugs and offers to inform the party of the terms.
After a sufficient time lamenting the loss of the twin mages, the party goes on to Java's airship, which has been hidden right in the castle all this time. Lift off!
No sooner are they in the air than someone spots another airship approaching their location. Java is ready to show what his baby is made of, but unfortunately for this plan, the approaching ship hails them instead of attacking.
Python is all business, and when COBOL tries to get more out of him he gets the cold shoulder. It's almost like someone is controlling him. Duh.
With little choice but to comply, the party heads for Troia to 'borrow' it. Upon their arrival, they discover two things. First of all is that VBasic is recovering in Troia castle, having barely survived the shipwreck. Unfortunately, he's too frail to rejoin the party. The second discovery is that the earth crystal is not in Troia, but in the hands of a dark elf who set up a magnetic field that makes metal weapons and armor impossible to wield in his cave.
I went to the village to set everyone up with non-metal weapons, and thus began my journey into one of my least favorite dungeons of all time. This place is a pain to get through. I died and had to start the dungeon over twice, but not more than that, which is some kind of record for me. Upon reaching the boss, there's a nice little scripted battle in which you get rekt. I'd forgotten this and was very upset until the cut scene started and I realized it was still ok.
Now back in Troia, VBasic had given some whisperweed to the party and this happened to alert him to the fact that the party was in trouble. Good thing he knew a song that was effective against Fey Creatures like dark elves that just so happened to also work over a whisperweed network. It disrupted the spell that had created the magnetic field, and allowed the party to equip their armor and weapons to kill the boss.
Earth Crystal get! Magically, as soon as the party got back into the airship, Python reappeared to escort them to the tower of Zot to make the exchange. Of course, rather than take them directly to Golbez, he leaves them to fight their way through a dungeon first, with the implication that they'd better do it quick or the girl gets it.
Halfway through the dungeon, we meet up with some minions of the third fiend, who happen to be another staple of final fantasy. The Magus Sisters were there, ready to mess me up. My strategy for this particular battle is summed up as me asking my husband who I should kill first. The middle one, apparently. Well it worked so.... cool.
After this little diversion, I made it to the top of the tower and handed over the Earth crystal. For some reason, COBOL seemed to actually think that Golbez would uphold his promise of letting Perl go. His actual response: "I don't know who you're talking about." Typical.
Now Pascal is REALLY mad. So he takes matters into his own hands and challenges Golbez all by himself. So our villain gets a meteor to the face, and Pascal has used up the last of his life-force to do it.
Then a few things happen. First off, Golbez tries to kill COBOL, but can't seem to do it for... reasons? Next, we discover that whatever Golbez did to control Python has worn off due to the face meteor incident.
Last, but definitely not least, we get to watch another mage let go of his mortal coil. At least this time I remembered to unequip all of his stuff...
Suddenly everyone remembers, oh yeah, Perl. They burst into the room just in time to save her, no joke, from a GUILLOTINE. Then, the reunited lovers embrace and it's super kawaii and makes me grin so much. They're all cute and lovey and he basically confesses his love without actually saying it. It's a guy thing, I know.
The tender moment comes to a quick end as the third fiend shows up to make trouble for the party. At least she's extremely vulnerable to jump attacks, so the newly un-mind-controlled Python makes himself useful.
After her defeat, Barbariccia proves to be a load bearing boss. The whole tower starts to crumble, so it's time to make a hasty retreat. White mages have a neat trick for that.
The teleport takes them back to Baron, specifically COBOL's bedroom. My first thought? That's kind of inappropriate. In any case, what's left of the party now has the opportunity to regroup and plan their next move. Golbez has all four crystals, and that's bad. Except it seems there are actually 8 crystals and not four like they thought. Golbez needs the dark crystals too, so there's still time to get to them before he does.
But wait! Isn't the airship back at the tower we just teleported out of? No problem.
Awesome! Allow me to leave you with one final thought.
There's a joke in here somewhere, but I don't think I know enough about programming to make it.
As you may recall, COBOL and SQL had just reunited. Following this fortuitous meeting, I obtained the Baron key which not only gave me access to the ancient tunnel beneath the castle, but also to the Weapon/Armor shop. I made use of these assets before setting off into the underground to infiltrate the castle. Upon the party's successful entry, we were joined by Baigan, the snotty advisor from the beginning of the game. Supposedly, even he was worried about the king's actions.
I say supposedly because he quickly turned on the party, transforming into a snake-armed monster. The battle was annoying, but not particularly difficult. This boss likes to use reflect, but we already know the way around that, don't we? SQL was my reflect bearer for this battle, and my three mages just bounced all their spells off of him. Boom. Done.
Baigan? More like BAI BAI! |
Pay no attention to the traitor sleeping in his old room. |
Caputini? |
Cid: Free face beatings since 1991. |
Always gotta have the last word. |
:`( |
Meanwhile... |
Geez, guys, I'm standing RIGHT HERE. |
*Airplane Noises* |
Such a violent minded fellow. |
Of course this is a deal in which both parties will keep their promises, whatever do you mean? |
Musicians... such divas. |
Now back in Troia, VBasic had given some whisperweed to the party and this happened to alert him to the fact that the party was in trouble. Good thing he knew a song that was effective against Fey Creatures like dark elves that just so happened to also work over a whisperweed network. It disrupted the spell that had created the magnetic field, and allowed the party to equip their armor and weapons to kill the boss.
Saving the day from bed. My kind of hero. |
Originality of threat: F- |
Halfway through the dungeon, we meet up with some minions of the third fiend, who happen to be another staple of final fantasy. The Magus Sisters were there, ready to mess me up. My strategy for this particular battle is summed up as me asking my husband who I should kill first. The middle one, apparently. Well it worked so.... cool.
We'll be back in several other titles, |
You better not have her tied up underneath any sharp objects... |
This spell is called Meteor, but is also known as Michael Bay. |
COBOL is apparently the boy who lived. |
Shouldn't have done that, bro. |
^_^ SQUEE! |
Is it like, laundry day? |
But wait! Isn't the airship back at the tower we just teleported out of? No problem.
"Because apparently back then they had ships that could do that." |
Add your own caption. |
Thursday, September 1, 2016
Scarmiglione (FFIV, Day 49)
Let's jump right in, shall we?
As our intrepid coding languages reached the summit of Mt Ordeals, a sinister hissing was heard, that was quickly blamed on CPlus+ as he was suspected of clowning around. Pascal, however, had other ideas, as sages often do. Dude knew something was up, is what I'm saying.
So I made sure to light their grills up with healing and burning. Undead don't really last very long when subjected to such conditions. The cure trick didn't work on Scarbohydrate, but he burned rather well. I ran back to save, because I knew I wasn't done.
Death is kind of Scubatuba's thing, so he was up and at them again in no time. Now we get to see his true form which he hid from us earlier by... wearing a cloak. Good job, Scootaloo. Master of disguise.
This time I wiped the floor with him. Nice thing about him dying and coming back, is that now I could exploit cure spells again. So that was one of four fiends down, and I continued on my way to the summit where we say goodbye to the darkness and hello to light and flowing bishie hair. Fabio? Psht. He's got nothing on this Paladin.
Mind you, there's still a matter of redemption for COBOL. Curiously, the voice that speaks to him calls him son. Anyway, In order to gain the full power of a paladin, he has to face the darkness within, and he has to do it without help. So we get the following trope.
The trick with this battle is you have to refrain from attacking your alter ego. All he does is cast Darkness on you, which if you're familiar with the way Dark Knights work, means you drain HP to make a powerful attack. So it's essentially a waiting game while you pop a potion or two and your opponent slowly kills himself. You get some more cryptic words from the mysterious voice, and then the fanfare plays.
After a quick descent down the mountain, the party returns to Mysidia where the mages are all about as shocked as can be that COBOL survived and became a Paladin. Next, a visit to the village elder reveals that the sword he just got has some legend inscribed on it, and that it's likely about him.
Regardless of the prophecy, it's time to go 'kick some backside' so the mages open the devils road. This puts the party right smack dab in the center of Baron. Upon visiting the Inn, they encounter a familiar face behaving unfamiliarly. SQL doesn't seem himself and orders the capture of COBOL and friends. Luckily, when someone has head injuries enough to suffer amnesia, the cure is to smack them around even more.
With SQL back in the party, I called it a good stopping point. I'm 6 and a half hours in, and by my husband's estimation, about a quarter of the way through the game. It's nice to be moving along and making regular progress. Until next time!
As our intrepid coding languages reached the summit of Mt Ordeals, a sinister hissing was heard, that was quickly blamed on CPlus+ as he was suspected of clowning around. Pascal, however, had other ideas, as sages often do. Dude knew something was up, is what I'm saying.
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Oh the smell? No that's a fart. |
He's right, of course, and out comes our buddy Scarmawhatsit. Last time I mentioned a legion of undead, but it turns out he only brought four guys with him. Get it together, pal. I know COBOL's only companions are kids and the elderly at the moment, but they have cure spells and fire. It's going to end badly for you, Scarmidirtbag.
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Fire BAD! |
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Oooh! He said "H" "E" "double hockey sticks"! |
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Gross |
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Son? Son. Son! Son?! |
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Classic |
The trick with this battle is you have to refrain from attacking your alter ego. All he does is cast Darkness on you, which if you're familiar with the way Dark Knights work, means you drain HP to make a powerful attack. So it's essentially a waiting game while you pop a potion or two and your opponent slowly kills himself. You get some more cryptic words from the mysterious voice, and then the fanfare plays.
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Noice |
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So wait... he's a Dragonborn? Sweet. |
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Except for the fact that he suddenly remembered that he can't remember. |
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Progress makes the K8 happy. |
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Shipwrecked in Mysidia (FFIV, Day 48)
It was a day like any other, and the calm seas did not betray the monster that lurked beneath. #foreshadowing
True to the Fabul King's word, a ship awaited the party to take them to Baron. SQL's wife was there to see us off and we boarded to calm seas and a peaceful journey across the waves. Except that this is early in the Final Fantasy series and they're pretty fond of absolutely wrecking any and all forms of transportation.
It started out innocently enough, with a slow meandering trek across the world map. Things went south quickly when the ship encountered a random whirlpool in its path though. There were a few clueless moments before all hell broke loose.
The deck hands and captain were all in a tizzy and started yelling something about a lord of the sea, and it wasn't even time to release the Kraken. No this guy is something bigger. Much bigger- you might even say it was a Leviathan! Um, because it was. It was Leviathan. That sounded more clever in my head. Oh well, moving on.
So of course Leviathan is bad news for any puny ships that happen to be nearby, and the subsequent shakeup sent poor Ruby overboard. SQL gallantly dove in after her and disappeared. Meanwhile VBasic suffered the awful fate of... falling down. I was then treated to an unexpected 3D rendered cut scene where the ship swirled into the sea, dragged down by the monster.
An undetermined amount of time later, we join COBOL groaning on the beach as he comes to his senses, apparently the only survivor of the ship's run in with the sea beast.
If you recall early in the game, COBOL and his Red Wings decimated a town called Mysidia to steal their crystal. Wouldn't you know, a twist of fate has washed our hero up on a shore whose closest civilization is, you guessed it, Mysidia. Understandably, they don't seem to like him there.
It's an interesting experience walking into Mysidia and experiencing various manifestations of the mages' hatred for COBOL. One mage you speak to turns you into a toad. The bartender in the pub poisons your drink. The dancing girl puts you to sleep and pulls a Circe on you - meaning you wake up as a pig.
A visit to the town elder is the only way to advance here, and upon learning that COBOL has repented, he sends him to the aptly named Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin. That's where the child genius mages Palom and Porum come in to assist. Except in my play through they'll be CPlus+ and CSharp.
The trio journeys to the mountain and much like with Mt. Hobs, there is a barrier - only instead of ice, this one is fire. CPlus+ casts blizzard and then gets snarky about it, and CSharp proceeds to smack him over the head for it. Ah, siblings...
We're transported to Golbez's place, for a cut scene. Perl is tied up and guarded by Python. Golbez says some pretty villainy things and then decides that he can't allow COBOL to reach the top of Mt Ordeals. Because he's a troll like that.
So now we get to meet the first of the four fiends. This one, (I'm not going to struggle to type his name. It's right there already.) is the fiend of earth and commands undead. Which could be a bit of a problem for our dark blade wielding hero. And poor Perl can't do anything about it.
When the scene ends, we're back with COBOL, CPlus+ and CSharp and continue the trek up the mountain. Here we run into a familiar face. It's Pascal! He's here looking for the ultimate magic, and agrees to join the party to help in the mission.
Shortly thereafter, I had to stop, and saved my progress at the save point right near the top of the mountain. We'll pick up next time and fight through the legion of undead to reach the top and get COBOL some fancy new powers.
True to the Fabul King's word, a ship awaited the party to take them to Baron. SQL's wife was there to see us off and we boarded to calm seas and a peaceful journey across the waves. Except that this is early in the Final Fantasy series and they're pretty fond of absolutely wrecking any and all forms of transportation.
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Bon Voyage! |
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This is highly irregular. This needs more fiber in it's diet. |
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Up from the depths, 30 stories high, breathing fire, his head in the sky! Godzilla!... no wait. |
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Seriously... Hasn't she been through enough? |
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Life's a beach |
It's an interesting experience walking into Mysidia and experiencing various manifestations of the mages' hatred for COBOL. One mage you speak to turns you into a toad. The bartender in the pub poisons your drink. The dancing girl puts you to sleep and pulls a Circe on you - meaning you wake up as a pig.
A visit to the town elder is the only way to advance here, and upon learning that COBOL has repented, he sends him to the aptly named Mt. Ordeals to become a Paladin. That's where the child genius mages Palom and Porum come in to assist. Except in my play through they'll be CPlus+ and CSharp.
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Candy mountain! |
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Csharp is basically Hermione. |
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meanwhile... |
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define 'interesting' |
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Scarmo, baby! Let's rap about a job I gots for yas! |
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Her schedule had her a little tied up at the time. *Ba Dum Tish!* |
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Pascal still want smash. |
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Tour de Fourth (FFIV, Days 46-47)
After the uncharted waters of Final Fantasy III, it's nice to be back in a familiar place with Final Fantasy IV. That's not to say I didn't enjoy III. I very much did, but it was noticeably more difficult than most others that I can recall. IV is a different story. Though I haven't ever finished it, I've still attempted it enough times that the early game is pretty much a breeze. It also happens to be my husband's favorite, so I've got a human walkthrough if I get stuck in the late game.
First off I want to apologize for the lack of photos from early on. I'm playing on my husband's PSP and it took a bit of practice to get the photos to come out clear enough for use. I suppose I'll begin with my impressions at this time. To start with, I noticed that the dialogue in the PSP version is much more polished what I remembered from my very first attempt to play through this. The story itself is quite evocative right from the start.
I sort of love the way the hero of the story starts out on the wrong side of things. He starts out as a soldier who is just following orders, but it's quickly apparent that he's mustering the strength to speak out against the atrocities of his kingdom.
For those of you unfamiliar with the plot, the game opens as the King's fleet of military airships are returning from Mysidia which they've just utterly decimated to steal the Crystal there for the kingdom of Baron. Upon his return, our main character, who is another Batman class (Dark Knight) expresses his slight disapproval at their actions and is promptly stripped of his rank and sent on a side mission. His best buddy Dragoon tries to reason with the king and is punished by having to go too.
I do want to mention that it was neat to walk around Baron Castle again, especially given the fact that my husband and I once built a replica of it in Minecraft. That might not seem like a big achievement, but we did the entire project in survival mode back in the late beta version. I wonder if I have any photos of that thing anymore?
Anyway, before I go any Further, I'll have you know that true to the poll results, I've already renamed Cecil to COBOL, and Kain is now Python. Admittedly I don't know enough about coding languages to have specific reasons for this. They just sounded good to me, so don't worry yourself looking for deeper meaning.
Once the opening and Star Wars inspired text crawl were done, I took COBOL and Python around town, bestowed their new names upon them, and made sure to grab a few tents and potions. Now it was time to head to the Mist Cave. I decided to travel by chocobo to save time.
The cave, being an introductory dungeon, was none too difficult. For the most part, I had COBOL and Python flee, but made a few kills for XP. The area boss, the Mist Dragon, isn't a difficult battle, just a drawn out one, so with persistence and the foreknowledge to not bother hitting it while in mist form, I got it done and over with. Foreknowledge isn't all good though, considering I knew exactly who it was I'd just killed.
Once the dynamic duo reached the Village, the signet they were supposed to deliver proved to be a bomb. Or more accurately, several bombs. Much to the shock and dismay of COBOL, it was game over for the Village of Mist. It was there that we first meet the character I've chosen to name Ruby (being Rydia, of course <3). She is the only survivor and COBOL valiantly refuses to allow her to die along with the rest of her village. For now, Python agrees and they speak of turning against their king.
It's about this time that Ruby decides to fight COBOL and Python, and she summons Titan who proceeds to break the village in half. Python has disappeared, presumably on the other side of the rubble. COBOL takes Ruby to the nearest village, Kaipo and protects her from a few Baron soldiers, thus finally earning her trust.
Also in Kaipo, COBOL discovers that his girlfriend Rosa from Baron has come down with desert fever. I later renamed her Perl, for the record. So now with a new mission to find the thing that will save her, COBOL and Ruby set out for Damcyan, and meet up with a angry old guy in the cave leading there. Tellah, who I've named Pascal in my play-through, asks for our help in defeating the octopus monster at the exit.
This was another boss battle that wasn't particularly dangerous, just long. I'd made sure to grind a little to get Ruby some much needed levels before coming here, so she was able to keep the party pretty much at full health while COBOL and Pascal whittled down the boss. Onward.
Pretty much upon arrival, the party witnesses the bombing of Damcyan and rushes inside where Pascal sees his daughter lying there, severely injured, and proceeds to try beating the crap out of Edward, the Prince of this here kingdom who happens to be the bard with whom she meant to elope. Edward's new name is Visual Basic, by the way, which I shortened to VBasic because of the character limit.
I very much regret not being fast enough to get a snapshot of the infamous insult that Pascal hurled at VBasic, but I'm sure you at least know of it already. Say it with me: "You spoony bard!"
When Pascal's daughter Anna protests to the battle, it ends and we learn that the new leader of the Red Wings is named Golbez, so this is all his fault. Which makes Anna's subsequent death his fault as well. A raging Pascal leaves the party at this point, vowing to kill the guy himself.
Meanwhile, VBasic is now a crying puddle on the floor and not even adorable little Ruby can snap him out of it, so COBOL gives it a try. I didn't get a photo, but it was something like this:
Once he wiped his eyes, VBasic took COBOL and Ruby to the Ant Lion den to get a jewel to cure Perl that's actually not a jewel at all, and more like the gallstone of a giant bug. Apparently these Ant Lions are supposed to be docile, but this one attacks VBasic, so of course we have to kill it in a boss battle. I'm actually sort of proud of this one. It's the first time I've gotten through this boss with VBasic alive at the end. He actually got XP this time - Pretty exciting.
Back in Kaipo, Perl is revived, and the party decides that someone has to warn Fabul that Baron is coming for their crystal. That night, Edward hallucinates about his dead girlfriend, and kicks the crap out of a Sahagin to prove his determination or something. The next morning, off to Fabul.
The trip takes them across Mt. Hobs and it takes some convincing to have Ruby cast fire to melt the ice blocking the path. Understandably, the little girl whose village was destroyed by fire is afraid of the stuff, but relents and casts fire anyway. Even as a child, Ruby is braver than some adults I know. (I'm looking at you VBasic.)
At the top of the mountain, we meet a monk who is trying to fight off monsters and doing a pretty good job of it himself until the boss comes out. Mom Bomb isn't the easiest to defeat, but it's not all that hard either. I always sort of enjoyed this battle just for the name of the enemy. It amuses me. Mom Bomb. Go ahead, say it out loud. It's fun.
With that over, we continued on to Fabul, and immediately upon arrival, I changed the monk's name to SQL. Important tasks complete, it was time to continue on to the paltry business of defending the castle against the encroaching enemy.
Perl and Ruby were to tend to the injured while the men went off to battle. This is something that always sort of bothered me. I need my healers, dangit! But I made it through the assault without too much trouble right until Python showed up and proceeded to serve a massive beat down on COBOL and then take the crystal. This is also when Perl gets kidnapped by Golbez because he's not a nice person.
Betrayed by his best friend, COBOL is pretty distressed at the whole thing. Luckily his new friends SQL, VBasic, and Ruby are willing to help him get Perl back. Plans are made to infiltrate Baron and do just that.
I've made quite a bit of leeway considering I've got just over 4 hours of game time logged. I think I might be able to somewhat make up for the excessive amount of days I spent on III.
Tune in tomorrow for the exciting adventures of COBOL at sea!
First off I want to apologize for the lack of photos from early on. I'm playing on my husband's PSP and it took a bit of practice to get the photos to come out clear enough for use. I suppose I'll begin with my impressions at this time. To start with, I noticed that the dialogue in the PSP version is much more polished what I remembered from my very first attempt to play through this. The story itself is quite evocative right from the start.
I sort of love the way the hero of the story starts out on the wrong side of things. He starts out as a soldier who is just following orders, but it's quickly apparent that he's mustering the strength to speak out against the atrocities of his kingdom.
For those of you unfamiliar with the plot, the game opens as the King's fleet of military airships are returning from Mysidia which they've just utterly decimated to steal the Crystal there for the kingdom of Baron. Upon his return, our main character, who is another Batman class (Dark Knight) expresses his slight disapproval at their actions and is promptly stripped of his rank and sent on a side mission. His best buddy Dragoon tries to reason with the king and is punished by having to go too.
I do want to mention that it was neat to walk around Baron Castle again, especially given the fact that my husband and I once built a replica of it in Minecraft. That might not seem like a big achievement, but we did the entire project in survival mode back in the late beta version. I wonder if I have any photos of that thing anymore?
Anyway, before I go any Further, I'll have you know that true to the poll results, I've already renamed Cecil to COBOL, and Kain is now Python. Admittedly I don't know enough about coding languages to have specific reasons for this. They just sounded good to me, so don't worry yourself looking for deeper meaning.
Once the opening and Star Wars inspired text crawl were done, I took COBOL and Python around town, bestowed their new names upon them, and made sure to grab a few tents and potions. Now it was time to head to the Mist Cave. I decided to travel by chocobo to save time.
The cave, being an introductory dungeon, was none too difficult. For the most part, I had COBOL and Python flee, but made a few kills for XP. The area boss, the Mist Dragon, isn't a difficult battle, just a drawn out one, so with persistence and the foreknowledge to not bother hitting it while in mist form, I got it done and over with. Foreknowledge isn't all good though, considering I knew exactly who it was I'd just killed.
Once the dynamic duo reached the Village, the signet they were supposed to deliver proved to be a bomb. Or more accurately, several bombs. Much to the shock and dismay of COBOL, it was game over for the Village of Mist. It was there that we first meet the character I've chosen to name Ruby (being Rydia, of course <3). She is the only survivor and COBOL valiantly refuses to allow her to die along with the rest of her village. For now, Python agrees and they speak of turning against their king.
It's about this time that Ruby decides to fight COBOL and Python, and she summons Titan who proceeds to break the village in half. Python has disappeared, presumably on the other side of the rubble. COBOL takes Ruby to the nearest village, Kaipo and protects her from a few Baron soldiers, thus finally earning her trust.
Also in Kaipo, COBOL discovers that his girlfriend Rosa from Baron has come down with desert fever. I later renamed her Perl, for the record. So now with a new mission to find the thing that will save her, COBOL and Ruby set out for Damcyan, and meet up with a angry old guy in the cave leading there. Tellah, who I've named Pascal in my play-through, asks for our help in defeating the octopus monster at the exit.
This was another boss battle that wasn't particularly dangerous, just long. I'd made sure to grind a little to get Ruby some much needed levels before coming here, so she was able to keep the party pretty much at full health while COBOL and Pascal whittled down the boss. Onward.
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Spoony. Whatever that means. |
I very much regret not being fast enough to get a snapshot of the infamous insult that Pascal hurled at VBasic, but I'm sure you at least know of it already. Say it with me: "You spoony bard!"
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Pascal Smash. |
Meanwhile, VBasic is now a crying puddle on the floor and not even adorable little Ruby can snap him out of it, so COBOL gives it a try. I didn't get a photo, but it was something like this:
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Exactly like this, in fact. |
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Basically the Sarlacc pit |
Back in Kaipo, Perl is revived, and the party decides that someone has to warn Fabul that Baron is coming for their crystal. That night, Edward hallucinates about his dead girlfriend, and kicks the crap out of a Sahagin to prove his determination or something. The next morning, off to Fabul.
The trip takes them across Mt. Hobs and it takes some convincing to have Ruby cast fire to melt the ice blocking the path. Understandably, the little girl whose village was destroyed by fire is afraid of the stuff, but relents and casts fire anyway. Even as a child, Ruby is braver than some adults I know. (I'm looking at you VBasic.)
At the top of the mountain, we meet a monk who is trying to fight off monsters and doing a pretty good job of it himself until the boss comes out. Mom Bomb isn't the easiest to defeat, but it's not all that hard either. I always sort of enjoyed this battle just for the name of the enemy. It amuses me. Mom Bomb. Go ahead, say it out loud. It's fun.
With that over, we continued on to Fabul, and immediately upon arrival, I changed the monk's name to SQL. Important tasks complete, it was time to continue on to the paltry business of defending the castle against the encroaching enemy.
Perl and Ruby were to tend to the injured while the men went off to battle. This is something that always sort of bothered me. I need my healers, dangit! But I made it through the assault without too much trouble right until Python showed up and proceeded to serve a massive beat down on COBOL and then take the crystal. This is also when Perl gets kidnapped by Golbez because he's not a nice person.
Betrayed by his best friend, COBOL is pretty distressed at the whole thing. Luckily his new friends SQL, VBasic, and Ruby are willing to help him get Perl back. Plans are made to infiltrate Baron and do just that.
I've made quite a bit of leeway considering I've got just over 4 hours of game time logged. I think I might be able to somewhat make up for the excessive amount of days I spent on III.
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Current saved progress |
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